Lineups: Iveco Lenzi Bolzano - Mercede Alghero

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Stagione 2011-2012
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Round nr. 2 (Gara-2) 05/16/2012

Iveco Lenzi Bolzano4881934--
Mercede Alghero59163043--
Iveco Lenzi Bolzano
Mercede Alghero
Players Iveco Lenzi Bolzano
Play Maron Martina 6 (0/1 2/6 0/0)
Play Tunguz Bojana 4 (2/3 0/2 0/0)
Shooting Guard Valerio Camilla 7 (3/3 0/8 1/2)
Forward Ribeiro da Silva Elizabeth 5 (1/7 0/1 3/8)
Center Piotrkiewicz Karolina 13 (5/9 0/4 3/6)
Play Schwienbacher Diana 3 (0/1 1/3 0/0)
Play Mora Nicole 3 (1/1 0/1 1/2)
Shooting Guard Schwienbacher Licia
Shooting Guard Pizzo Sofia
Forward Crestani Giulia 7 (3/6 0/0 1/2)
Coach Massai Michele
Players Mercede Alghero
Play Donati Elisa 12 (2/4 2/7 2/4)
Shooting Guard Rosellini Francesca 2 (1/5 0/4 0/0)
Forward Slavova Radostina 17 (7/10 0/3 3/4)
Forward Monticelli Manuela 3 (1/4 0/2 1/2)
Center Giorgi Costanza 12 (6/6 0/0 0/0)
Shooting Guard Forni Maria Giulia 11 (3/4 0/0 5/6)
Shooting Guard Mei Cristina 0 (0/0 0/1 0/0)
Shooting Guard Martelliano Roberta 0 (0/1 0/0 0/0)
Forward Carraro Luisa 0 (0/1 0/0 0/0)
Center Serano Maria Grazia 2 (1/1 0/0 0/0)
Coach Paccariè Andrea
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